Upcoming Fire Season: Inspections begin May 13


Weed-abatement-lawn mower

Property inspections will begin May 13, property owners must maintain their properties to the following requirements.


PASO ROBLES, CA – Paso Robles Fire & Emergency Services (PRFES) would like to remind residents and property owners about the City’s weed abatement program. The purpose of this program is to decrease fire hazards created by vegetative growth and the accumulation of combustible debris. Property inspections will begin May 13, 2024, and property owners must maintain their properties to the below requirements.

These requirements are for the entire property, not just the front yards. Please do your part to minimize the danger to not only your property but that of your neighbors, too.

If you have questions or require the names of contractors who perform weed abatement and lot cleaning, please call the PRFES at 805-227-7560. 

Thank you for helping to make Paso Robles a fire-safe community.

Media Contact:
Paul Patti
Battalion Chief / Fire Marshal

More info at https://www.prcity.com/198/Fire-and-Emergency-Services