Mission Community Services Corporation Women's Business Center


NonProfit Organization

About Us

Mission Community Services Corp (MCSC) Women's Business Center of San Luis Obispo raises the economic, educational, and social levels of aspiring entrepreneurs and small business owners, with a focus on women, low to medium-income individuals (LMI), minorities, veterans, active military and their families and all underserved communities. Through our technical assistance programing courses, workshops, and one on one consulting sessions, we prepare small businesses to start, grow and thrive with resources and business resiliency.

Our vision is to grow our programming and our client base to serve all members of the SLO, Monterey and Kern County communities who aspire to start or grow a small business. We want to provide all the technical assistance programming needed to help our clients to build solid foundations financially and administratively for their business so that they can support themselves, their families, and their workers during any economic climate.